When people are single, poor, and alone, they are far more likely to face homelessness. Cooperative living is an alternative that offers stability, support, and a sense of belonging.

About Us

Higher Ground Abodes is a charitable nonprofit organization. Our mission is to develop housing through sharing, education, and advocacy for those with the greatest need. Started by a dedicated group of people with mental health backgrounds, our “why” is to bolster love, a more excellent way.

Our Work

Our focus is on individuals earning 30% or less of the area median income. We prioritize foster, homeless, and other housing insecure youth who meet our income criteria, and believe that shared housing, managed by and for the people who live in them, offers the best chance for growth.

Housing Crisis

When a person makes $20,000/year or less, such as extremely low-income individuals, they can not afford a single Detroit zip code on their own income. Government assistance is only available to 1 in 36 of these people, and when they are unmarried, their odds of getting affordable housing are less. In fact, eighty percent (80%) of the unassisted are single women without children.

Join Us

Join our efforts to raise money and support toward our first home purchase for unhoused youth to share like family!

You can Donate, Volunteer, or Contact Us for other ideas!